I was re-reading an older issue of Ladies’ Home Journal the other day, and thought I’d share some information from articles about diabetes risk.

Losing weight reduces your chances of developing type-2 diabetes, but there are some other ways to avoid the disease.

  • Enjoy legumes. In one big study, eating 2 oz. of peas, beans, lentils, peanuts or soybeans a day made people 38 percent less prone to diabetes. Legumes’ fiber stabilizes blood sugar, and their antioxidants may help as well.
  • Take care of your gums. Columbia University researchers found people with gum disease were twice as likely to become diabetic as others. Increased levels of bacteria and inflammation may be to blame.
  • Control High Blood Pressure. People who didn’t were twice as likely to get diabetes as those who kept hypertension in check with drugs and lifestyle changes, notes a large Italian study.
  • Think Green. Nurse’s Health Study data suggest that adding just one serving a day of leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale lowers diabetes risk by 9%. They have magnesium, which can protect against the illness.
  • Watch what you drink. Two or more servings a day of regular soda can raise diabetes risk by 24%. A daily glass of fruit juice can up it by 18%. Why? High sugar/low fiber content. Better liquid choice? Water.