Article Library

  1. Coastal Rehab Cape Elizabeth, ME hosts Open House at new location: Ocean View, Falmouth

  2. National Drug Take Back Campaign Maine Locations including Maine Medical Center

      A nationwide effort to collect unused and unwanted medications for safe disposal takes place Sat. April 28. Both prescription and over-the-counter medications will be collected across the state with no questions asked and no requests for … Continue

  3. Hunger in Maine: Stamp Out Hunger via the Mailman

    Help AARP Stamp Out Hunger in Maine. On Saturday, May 12, 2012 you can make a difference to hungry people in your community. Plan your shopping now to include an item or two every week, so you … Continue

  4. Gluten Free: How I Stopped Eating Gluten and Started Breathing Easy!

    My journey to gluten free health started by accident. My symptoms were more than annoying but less than life threatening: a chronic cough and throat clearing, very frequent heart palpitations (every hour) and esophageal spasms that made … Continue

  5. Grandchildren and College: College Tuition Help from Grandparents

    Have you always planned to help your grandchildren pay for college? With the price of college nowadays, college tuition help from grandparents matters more than ever. There are several ways you can help them with college expenses … Continue

  6. Senior Blood Pressure: free check available

    CHANS Home Health Care is pleased to offer free community-based blood pressure clinics. The clinics will be held at the following times and locations: • Monday, April 9 11am-12noon Westrum House, 22 Union Street, Topsham • Tuesday, … Continue

  7. Off Their Rockers-Betty White’s new show

    Betty White is at it again with a new show highlighting spoofs on senior stereotypes. The Premier is tomorrow night! I am tuning in! You? “It’s [old age] not a surprise, we knew it was coming … Continue