Information You Can Use

  1. Maine Retirees Pension Changes- Maine Association of Retirees file suit over pension changes

    A 15,000-member group that represents retired state workers and teachers filed a lawsuit yesterday against the state retirement system over changes made last year to cost-of-living payments. In a class-action suit filed in federal district court in … Continue

  2. Incontinence: new hope with sacral nerve stimulation

    New Hope for People with Urinary and Bowel Incontinence By Roxanne Jones, Freelance writer specializing in health and medicine If you think that incontinence is a normal part of aging and something you just have to live … Continue

  3. Eating for MS & Alzheimers: brain cell biology

    We see daily articles about eating various high-protein/low-carb or low-fat/low-calorie or other permutations of diet that will make us thinner, healthier or better looking. Check out this video, in which a doctor talks about the hunter-gatherer diet … Continue

  4. Senior Love: Valentines for seniors

    Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and if you’re searching for a last minute valentine for a senior, what could be better than a song? Song lyrics make perfect Valentine sentiments, and it’s fun when they’re from a special … Continue

  5. The Dreaded Dead-of-Night Phone Call: Preparing Yourself and Your Parents for a Medical Emergency

    Answering the Call: Emergency Help for Seniors The midnight phone call. It’s something we all dread, first when we have teenagers, then when the kids go off to college and lives of their own, and finally when … Continue

  6. Alzheimers: family assistance in diagnosis, and increased federal funding

    Dr. Laurel Coleman, a geriatric physician at Maine Medical Center, has been on CBS and quoted in other news outlets recently for her assertion that family members should learn the symptoms and be asked to help in the … Continue

  7. Maine State Plan on Aging: Add Your Opinion on Home Care

    To better understand the needs of senior caregivers in Maine, and whether they’re being met, the Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging is conducting an online caregiver survey. It’s interesting and easy. If you are a home care provider or … Continue