Information You Can Use

  1. Social Networking: good for you

    I’m in Los Angeles, attending the AARP convention and getting psyched up to mentor a seminar on social networking on Saturday. As I think about social media and what it means to older people, I am overwhelmed … Continue

  2. Is that Mushroom Poisonous? A talk with Tom Seymour

    If you’ve always longed to be able to stroll into the woods or meadow and pluck something delicious from the edible wild landscape, come listen to Tom Seymour, author of Wild Plants of Maine: A Useful Guide. … Continue

  3. Maine Vets: Bingham Mobile Clinic Remains Open

    from the Bangor Daily News, Alex Barber, BDN staff AUGUSTA, Maine — The Department of Veterans Affairs mobile medical clinic in Bingham will remain open after all, a VA official said Monday. The VA decided to continue … Continue

  4. Adult Day Care: Lifesaver and Socializer

    submitted by Dave Brown, center director, Spectrum Generations If you’re a caregiver and you need a break or you need to work while also caring for your loved one, adult day care could be a lifesaver for … Continue

  5. Can I get fuel assistance this winter?

    Q: It’s not even winter yet, and already I’m worried about how I’m going to heat my house with the lock-in price for oil at more than $4 a gallon. And now it looks like fuel assistance … Continue

  6. Calling All Bakers: TRIAD Benefit Pie Contest

    Do you enjoy baking? Are fresh apples and delicious peaches calling you? Well, whip up your competitive spirit, whip out those measuring cups, and bake a pie to benefit elders in the Gorham/Westbrook area! In Home Senior … Continue

  7. An Ounce of Prevention: High Blood Pressure

    The Mid Coast Senior Health Center in Brunswick hosts a healthcare series called Ounce of Prevention.  Their next seminar, Dealing with High Blood Pressure, features Christopher W. Meserve, MD, an internist with Mid Coast Medical Group Adult … Continue