One of my take-aways from the Life@50+ AARP conference I recently attended in Los Angeles came from Chris Gardner’s talk. He is the author of the autobiographical “The Persuit of Happyness” and an advocate for reimagining your life. (His book was turned into a successful movie starring Will Smith. One basic script change: in the movie, the little boy is 6 when Chris Gardner becomes homeless and lives with the child in train station restrooms. In real life, the boy was only 14 months old when Chris started his climb into success as a financial planner.)

He was speaking to an audience of people nearing or in retirement who wanted to consider starting a business, going into a different career or just doing something more positive or different with their lives. “Life reimagined,” says Chris, “starts with recognizing that you can do something about your situation. Don’t let someone else tell you what you can’t do!”

Life Reimagined is the theme of the Life Reimagined Project, a special on-line community that encourages people to share their dreams and challenges. 

The key is recognizing that your skills, talents and experience are transferable. “We’re all going to fall, and that’s life. When you get up — that’s life ReImagined. You don’t have to reinvent yourself. Build on the gifts, passions and values you already have.”

I liked his message of viewing the situation from as many perspectives as you can, and then claiming action and doing something to move forward towards your goal. He advocated a 5 C plan of action (clear, concise, compelling, consistent and committed) that made use of even baby steps, as long as you are moving in the right direction!