Information You Can Use

  1. Hard Conversations with Senior Parents: talking about change

    Lucy remembers her first exposure to hard conversations with senior parents. Seven years ago Lucy and her husband, who were in their 50s, left their home and jobs in Chicago and moved to Maine. Not to retire … Continue

  2. Hepatitis C and Baby Boomers: CDC Recommends Testing

    Be honest, now. Were you prone to risky behavior in your youth? The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta has news for Baby Boomers: better get a Hepatitis C test. Hepatitis C, identified in 1989, is a … Continue

  3. Diabetes Help in Maine: new center for diabetic care

    Do you have Type II diabetes? Are you worried that your family history or health factors put you at risk for diabetes? If you’re an adult living with the disease (or have a diabetic loved one) in the Midcoast … Continue

  4. Walk to End Alzheimer’s Fundraising Event at Huntington Common!

  5. Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s Maine Dates

    Here are the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s Maine Dates – they are listed here!

  6. Free Flu Shot: Your flu shot can save your life!

    An annual flu vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu and flu-related complications that could lead to hospital stays or even death. Maine Senior Guide is happy to report that CHANS is offering a free … Continue

  7. VA Funding Gap

    Congress OKs veterans homes VA funding gap fix Kevin Miller, Washington bureau chief for Maine Today, wrote about the recent funding issues that have made long-term care hard to get in VA communities because of a VA funding … Continue