Information You Can Use

  1. Traveling with Seniors: 10 tips to make senior travel easier

    Sonja Burns, LPN, is the owner of Air Companions, a service that helps seniors travel comfortably and safely. Just in time for Thanksgiving, she’s offering these safe travel tips. 1.) Make absolutely sure your loved one has … Continue

  2. Freezing Pipes: use care in draining your systems

    There’s no question that losing power in Maine in the winter can have big implications to your water and heating systems. At my house, for example, we have a lot of solar gain and heat with wood, … Continue

  3. Maine Home Care: knowing when to get help at home

    Knowing When to Get Help Richard Blumenthal, President, Advantage Home Care LLC  As we age and physical changes occur, we or someone we love may not be able to effectively deal with these changes. Some activities of … Continue

  4. 11.11.11: Thanks to all veterans on Veteran’s Day

    Friday is Veteran’s Day, when we honor veterans of every war. It’s an especially historic Veteran’s Day, however, because the original Veteran’s Day commemorated a cessation of hostilities between the allied nations and Germany on the 11th hour … Continue

  5. What is it like to have Alzheimer’s: A provocative discussion at Sedgewood Commons

    This special discussion series will start with a walk through virtual tour putting you in the shoes of a person with Alzheimer’s dementia. You will see things, hear things, feel things, and your thought process will be … Continue

  6. National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month: free program and screening

    November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. Are you concerned or curious about your own or a loved one’s level of memory loss? CHANS Home Health Care and the Mid Coast Senior Health Center are sponsoring free … Continue

  7. Rich Vs. Poor in America: now it’s the seniors fault

    An Associated Press article that ran in this morning’s Portland Press Herald is titled Wealth Gap Widest Ever Between Young, Old and goes on to have what I think is an amazing subhead: young adults bear the … Continue