Travel and Recreation

  1. Safe Travel: Stay Healthy Away from Home

    You’re about to head out for a Thanksgiving visit with loved ones. What steps can you take to remain healthy on your trip and through your visit? Here are 7 tips for safe travel. Tip 1: get … Continue

  2. Holiday Travel: Tips for Happy Thanksgiving Journeys

    Holiday travel can be a stressful event for anyone, and traveling when you’re older is no exception. The key is planning! Sit down with a cup of tea and a piece of paper, and list everything you … Continue

  3. Rain Date: What to do in the rain in Maine

    I need a rain date! Need ideas about what to do in the rain in Maine? Long about Day Six of a rainy week, I’m looking for suggestions. Here’s what I’ve got for entertainment in the rain … Continue

  4. Dogs on the Downeaster: Pets and Trains

    Dogs on the Downeaster? After a successful pilot program that allowed small pets to accompany passengers, the Amtrak Downeaster recently made its pet program permanent for all trains traveling between Brunswick, Maine, and Boston’s North Station. Nearly … Continue

  5. Manage stress and take heart!

    Take Heart and Manage Stress is by Kelly Hassett of MedCOR Professionals. February has been nicknamed “Heart Month” not only because of Valentine’s Day, but because the American Heart Association has been celebrating National Wear Red Day … Continue

  6. Traveling with Seniors: 10 tips make senior travel easier

    Traveling with seniors is Sonja Burns’s specialty. Sonja, a licensed practical nurse, is the owner of Air Companions. Air Companions makes traveling with seniors safer and more comfortable. Just in time for Christmas and New Year trips, … Continue

  7. Live Your Best Life: Bucket Lists and New Year’s Resolutions

    New Year’s Resolutions, Bucket Lists, and Other Ways to Live Your Best Life by Dr. Len Kayes, guest writer in MAINE SENIORS Magazine.  The 2007 film The Bucket List portrays two terminally ill men, Edward Cole and … Continue