The Older Americans Act of 1965 created the Administration on Aging as the federal level advocate and coordinator of services for the elderly.  Area Agencies on Aging were created as the local-state agencies charged with advocating for Maine’s seniors.  There are five Area Agencies on Aging in Maine serving Aroostook County, Eastern Maine, Central Maine, Western Maine, and Southern Maine.

Their mission is to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of Maine’s 200,000+ seniors, which includes advocating on behalf of all older persons at the legislative, administrative, and personal levels.

With the help of staff and hundreds of volunteers who gave more than 225,000 volunteer hours of service, the five Area Agencies on Aging have, during the last year have:

  • provided consultation, advice and support to more than 75,000 seniors;
  • responded to over 100,000 contacts regarding Medicare, Social Security, Caregiver Support, and other senior-related matters;
  • saved elders hundreds of thousands of dollars by making sure they were taking advantage of the government benefits they were entitled to and helping them obtain appropriate prescription drug coverage and enrolling in Medicare Buy-In Programs;
  • helped thousands of seniors remain at home with support provided through home- and community-based services programs; and
  • delivered over 1 million Meals on Wheels to more than 7,500 homebound people.

Area Agencies on Aging are a terrific resource for Maine’s seniors and their families.  Each agency can be easily accessed online.  For more information on an Area Agency on Aging in your area, please visit

Thanks to guest blogger John Nale, board president of the Maine Association of Agencies on Aging.