Information You Can Use

  1. Veterans Improved Pension: Navigating the ApplicationProcess, Part I

    The process of applying to the VA for Pension benefits is like any other application process to a government agency.  It is confusing. There is so much information circulating online and yet it seems there are always … Continue

  2. Senior Travel Assistance: Making Travel Easier

    Are you worried about getting your folks back from Florida, or concerned about navigating the airports when you travel by yourself?  Could you use an extra pair of hands traveling with your loved one? Consider hiring a … Continue

  3. Cut Your Diabetes Risk

    I was re-reading an older issue of Ladies’ Home Journal the other day, and thought I’d share some information from an article about diabetes risk. Losing weight reduces your chances of developing type-2 diabetes, but there are … Continue

  4. Senior Resources in Maine

    I just finished this article by Jonathan Rauch in the Atlantic Monthly, “Letting Go of My Father.” If you’re a caregiver, read it. If you’re a senior, read it. And if you’re a politician or business owner … Continue

  5. Wisdom Improves with Aging

    University of Michigan researchers have reported that there’s truth in several sayings: Older but wiser and Listen to your elders! The researchers claim that results indicate that elders have advantages in analyzing social problems. Older people are … Continue

  6. Maine Gardeners: how does your garden grow?

    I played around with a very cool little program at the Gardeners website. It lets you plot your garden and tells you how many plants per square foot your garden can accomodate and other planting hints. I … Continue

  7. Maine Senior Guide Principal Lynn Peel Celebrates Second Anniversary

    As the other principal partner of Maine Senior Guide, I’d like to offer Lynn Peel my congratulations on her second anniversary as the owner and president of Beach Glass Transitions. Lynn has told me that one of … Continue