Information You Can Use

  1. Control Your Blood Pressure to Help Avoid Dementia!

    I read an article recently that said that controlling blood pressure is the best protection against dementia. That lead me to do a little research on the web, and numerous articles appeared. The bottom line: early detection … Continue

  2. Oral History: StoryCorps Saves Senior Voices

    It’s the last day of 2009, and soon we’ll be celebrating the New Year. Time flows slowly when we’re young. We can hardly see it pass, and each skipped stone leaves enormous changes on the surface. As … Continue

  3. Now that Winter’s Here, Prepare for the Cold

    Now that we’ve had our first lasting snow this season, it’s time to break out the guidelines for cold preparation. We’ve had a very mild fall, and that’s saved on the fuel bills and certainly kept spirits … Continue

  4. Holidays with Seniors: A Successful Thanksgiving

    It’s Thanksgiving again!  Millions of families across the country–and expats all over the world for that matter–are preparing themselves for turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, candied yams, and I won’t even mention the desserts!  … Continue

  5. Maine Seniors: Avoiding Scams

    Are you worried that someone you love is going to fall victim to some sort of fraud or scam? Well, Maine Office of Securities, AARP/Maine and the Maine Attorney General’s office are working together to start a … Continue

  6. Seniors as Entrepreneurs

    Business Week has a couple of great articles on senior entrepreneurs that I want to share. (See links at the bottom of this post.) The articles are inspirational, and a little scary. While there’s no guarantee that … Continue

  7. AARP and the AMA Endorse the Health Care Reform Bill Passed in the House of Representatives!

    Health Care Reform. Where do we begin with this topic? There is so much information and misinformation floating around on the web that at times it feels impossible to form an educated opinion. A couple of major … Continue