Information You Can Use

  1. family caregiver

    Family Caregiver: Strategies for Help with Mom

    Family caregiver. Chances are you spend a good deal of your life planning for the future. You plan your career path. You plan for retirement. But you may never have planned on becoming a family caregiver. If … Continue

  2. Going to the doctor: lists and questions

    Going to the doctor can be like going to the grocery store—before going you have an idea of what you need, but sometimes when you get there it becomes too overwhelming to remember every little thing. So … Continue

  3. Winter tips: stay warm this winter

    Now that we’ve had our first lasting snow this season, it’s time to break out the guidelines for cold preparation. We’ve had a very mild fall, and that’s saved on the fuel bills and certainly kept spirits … Continue

  4. Maine Senior Expos for 2016

    It’s not too early to mark your calendars for the Maine Senior Expos scheduled for 2016. Maine Senior Expos in the Spring The first expo is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, at St. Maximillian Kolbe Church in … Continue

  5. 2015 Senior Expo in Freeport Speaker Listings

    The senior expo in Freeport, planned for Wednesday, October 7, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, will feature five different speakers. From downsizing to teaching your business staff about dementia, the senior … Continue

  6. Freeport Fall Senior Expo 2015: Maine Senior Expo

    The Freeport Fall Senior Expo is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 7, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Freeport. Are you ready to hear some great speakers, get a free flu shot, have an antique appraised and gather … Continue

  7. Home Health Agencies Get Medicare Star Ratings

    Medicare star ratings are coming to home health. On Thursday, the federal government released a new five-star rating system for home health agencies, an effort to bring clarity to a fast-growing but fragmented corner of the medical … Continue