An article in this week’s Mainebiz showcases an exciting development in healthcare: HealthInfoNet.  It’s a centralized system  that improves access to health information and allows health care providers to share and view patients’ electronic health records.

While the non-profit is still in the demonstration stage, it has enormous potential for making life a lot easier for seniors, who tend to have multiple physicians reviewing different health issues. Having all of your health information in one location, easily viewed by all of your doctors and other health partners, could minimize medication incompatibility, for instance. Your docs can truly work as a team to support your well-being, engage, suggest and consult with each other, and promote a healthcare partnership with YOU at the center.

Lynn and I are following this company (which includes Maine’s four largest hospital systems, and is expected to add more hospitals to its database next year) with interest. It could be a giant step forward is helping families and health care providers communicate about care.