Here are some thoughts on preparing for this weekend’s stormy weather on the coast of Maine.

In the House

  • make sure you have water, food and your meds to last for three days. Pet food and water, too, if appropriate.
  • batteries for you flashlight, hearing aids, portable radio, book light?
  • clear away anything you might stumple over if you need to move quickly. Roll up the area rugs for a few days. Look around to your exit paths and make sure they’re clear. Figure on having to move around in the dark.
  • Make sure you have the phone numbers of family and friends written down. Make a plan to call and check in at certain times. 
  • if you want to spend Sunday afternoon and overnight with friends or family, watch the weather and get moving early in the day. Don’t “wait and see”–you don’t want to be driving around as the storm increases.

Outside the House

  • get help putting the lawn furniture away. Get your car into the garage, if you can. At camp, pull the canoe and kayak into as much shelter as possible. Beach the boats. Stay away from windows. Your lawn chair might be put away but a neighbor’s could come crashing through from a long distance.
  • look for items like bird feeders, plant pots or garden ornaments that might end up sailing through your windows. Put them away.
  • If you’ve got lots of tomatos coming or other produce, plan on picking some Saturday just in case the garden suffers wind damage.
  • Hurricane force winds can put a straw through a brick wall! Do not go outside if you’ve forgotten something after the storm starts.