Medicare home health patients in Maine and around the nation will be required to have a face-to-face visit with a physician or medical professional in order to get certified for services, beginning January 1, 2011. The visit must occur within 90 days before or 30 days after the start of home health services.
MaineHealth put together an outline called Medicare Advisory Home Health on the new rule.
While the actual visit may be carried out by a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist or physician’s assistant, the doctors must still verify the information and sign and date the Medicare home health document. In Maine, Medicare home health services often follow rehabilitation. Assessment Centers sometimes recommmend home health services.
If you or a loved one expect to receive Medicare home health services following a hospitalization or rehab center recovery period, you might consider printing out the advisory to make sure your doctor’s office is up to date on the information. The second page of the advisory contains contact information for home health agencies if you have further questions. Thanks to Carol Rivest of HomeHealth Visiting Nurses for passing along the advisory.