If envisioning your future includes decisions about your own care, or care of aging parents or other loved ones, I’d like to invite you to a free workshop on Sunday, February 21, 2010, at 2 p.m. in the Scarborough Community Library.56014

The workshop is being presented by PACES, the Portland Area Coalition for Elder Services, a group to which I belong. We’re going to cover assessments, financial and legal questions, types of care, living situations, where to get help and other considerations. I think you’ll find this over view very helpful, and a good introduction to all these subjects. it’s going to be a great opportunity to have a number of resources available for questions and answers, too.

The program is free, but you’ll need to register. Call the library at 883-4723 x240, or email cas@scarborough.lib.me.us and tell them you’d like to register for the PACES program on February 21. I’ll be there, and would love to me you! Please don’t hesitate to come introduce yourself!

Best, Lynn