Are you worried about getting your folks back from Florida, or concerned about navigating the airports when you travel by yourself?  Could you use an extra pair of hands traveling with your loved one?

Consider hiring a travel companion.  Travel companions offer services ranging from pick-up, delivery and check-in assistance to actually traveling with you or your loved one and ensuring a smooth flight and a safe and secure arrival at the final destination. Other services might range from someone willing to drive your car back while you fly home, to RN-level assistance.

aircompansionsSonja Burns of Warren has started Air Companions ,  a service to offer assistance to travelers who shouldn’t – or don’t want to – travel solo. She’ll travel with the elderly, the disabled or impaired, people with a fear of flying, or those needing limited medical attention. She provides escort service to the final destination, helps with airport check-in and luggage, and assists with connecting flights. Since Sonja is an LPN and a direct support professional, she’s comfortable overseeing dietary and medical needs. And of course she’d handle any travel changes that are necessary if flights are delayed or canceled.

As our Snow Birds fly back home and we enter the travel season associated with graduations, weddings and summer visits, it’s good to have travel options. Consider a travel companion if it makes the journey easier, safer or more enjoyable.