These tips are taken from the 70/40 Rule,  a small and engaging booklet about communication sponsored by Home Instead Senior Care.  Here are tips 4-6. You can finds tips 1-3 here and tips 7-10 here.

4. Optimize your energy. Look for the places and times in which you are most effective in getting what you need out of conversations; plan to have important conversations in those places and times. If you’re more on your toes in the mornings, then arrange for meetings at that time so that you’re likely to get the most out of them.

5. Compensate for weaknesses. If you are having trouble hearing, or it seems like people around you are not speaking clearly, get a hearing test and don’t feel embarrassed if you need a hearing aid. Some hearing loss is a normal part of aging, and can be very effectively dealt with. The same applies to other things: if you forget important facts that you wanted to talk about with someone (whether a family member your physician) get into the habit of keep lists or notes to remind you.

6. Seek independence, avoid dependence. Seek social contact where people encourage you to do things yourself and where they challenge you mentally or physically. Avoid spending lots of time in situations where everything is done for you. Even if people are doing this out of love or respect, spending too much time in situations where you are passive is bad for you. It can literally be bad for your health to be waited on all the time. If you need some assistance to remain independent, seek our resources such as the Home Instead Senior Care network.