VA resources webThe process of applying to the VA for Pension benefits is like any other application process to a government agency.  It is confusing.

There is so much information circulating online and yet it seems there are always questions that cannot be answered with a google search.  This is why I strongly recommend seeking out government sponsored resources.  As a matter of law, agencies specializing in filing VA forms for Pension benefits are not allowed to charge fees for advising you on filing your application.  Not only is the advice free, but it may also get you a larger benefit package than you might get on your own without assistance.

There is a whole rulebook that applies to providing information or assistance in the preparation, presentation or prosecution of a benefits claim to the VA.

For instance, though I may have knowledge of certain parts of the application process, I am not legally allowed to provide direct information or advice in regards to a specific claim.  That information must come from a government accredited agency.  I can, however, provide general information and advice on benefits and qualifications for benefits.  This stipulation exists for the protection of veterans, to ensure they do not get scammed or do not receive false or misleading information.

Over the next few weeks I will be blogging about the eligibility criteria and application documents needed to apply for the Veterans Improved Pension.  At the end of each blog I will include a list of helpful government-sponsored resources.

For starters, the Improved Pension includes 3 levels of benefits.

  1. Basic Pension
  2. Housebound Benefits
  3. Aid & Attendance

To qualify for a portion of any of these benefits you must be permanently disabled, either as a result of military service or unrelated to your service.  The government considers all veterans and their spouses over the age of 65 to be permanently disabled for the sake of this application process.

Check in next week to find out more about the forms involved and the service requirements for applying.  Best, Lynn