Information You Can Use

  1. Scams: beware magazine renewal offers

    This article, Magazine Renewals are Often Not a Favor, was written by Russ Van Arsdale of Northeast CONTACT, and published on their blog as well as the Bangor Daily News Consumer Forum. Magazine Renewal are Often Not … Continue

  2. Heat Stroke: Guard Against Too Much Heat!

    We’ve enjoyed a really nice May and June, but summer is heat big time with this heat wave starting Independence Day weekend.Every summer, we have heat waves and hear about people suffering from various kinds of heat sickness, … Continue

  3. Exercise and muscle cramps

    Charley horse! Wow, those muscle cramps, often in the calf, can stop you in mid-swim or make you sit right up in bed. What causes a charley horse? They’re muscle spasms, with several common causes: muscle overuse … Continue

  4. Property Tax Deferral Coming July 12

    Is your town considering a property tax deferrment program for senior citizens? An Act to Protect Elderly Residents from Losing Their Homes Due to Taxes or Foreclosure becomes law July 12. The 124th Legislature passed the bill in … Continue

  5. Road Trip! Can seniors travel in comfort?

    Vacation planning can take many forms. For my family, it hinges a lot on the weather, so we’re sort of last-minute planners. One silver lining of the slow economy in the Northeast is that it’s a little … Continue

  6. Medicare Tune In: SMAA Answers Questions on TV

    Southern Maine Agency on Aging  is working with Time Warner Cable to broadcast a regular feature, “Questions about Medicare” on Channel 9. You can catch the first show June 3 at 7 p.m. Medicare is government health … Continue

  7. Veterans Improved Pensions: Navigating the Application Process, Part II

    My previous post discussed the application process for veterans pensions. In this posting, I will be talking some more about the service requirements behind the VA Improved Pension.   But before I get to that, you cannot apply for … Continue