Information You Can Use

  1. Control Spring Allergy Attacks

    We’ve moved into prime spring allergy conditions now that the weather is warming up and we’re switching from heating to air conditioning. We know that fungus spores cause allergy reactions, but what about dead spores, like the … Continue

  2. Brain Games: Mental Fitness Made Fun

    I recently stumbled upon Fit Brains an on-line game program that allows you to play relatively old-fashioned games, like what we used to call Concentration. At Fit Brains, you can play several games for free that allow … Continue

  3. Maine Census Drives Federal Healthcare Dollars

    This morning, I read an interesting article on the MPBN site about how important the Census is to Maine as it relates to healthcare dollars. Take a look. Because the dollars coming in to our health care … Continue

  4. Earned Income Tax Credit: Put More Money Back Into Your Pocket!

    If you made less than $50,000 in 2009, you might qualify for up to $5,657 from the federal Earned Income Tax Credit. Are you leaving money on the table? Find out by having your federal and state … Continue

  5. Women’s Health: Bring Your Mum (or Daughter!)

    February 2010 – I’m excited about a free health workshop available in Freeport next week, partially because I like a bargain, but mostly because it will offer a quick snapshot on my current health status, and some … Continue

  6. Taxes Part II Caregivers’ Tax Credits and Deductions: long term care?

    Tax guru I am not.  But with tax season upon us I thought it might be helpful to review some of the federal tax rules related to family care providers’ medical and dental expenses. Since this is … Continue

  7. Taxes Part I Caregivers’ Tax Credits and Deductions: Who and what qualifies?

    Tax guru I am not.  But with tax season upon us I thought it might be helpful to review some of the federal tax rules related to family care providers’ medical and dental expenses. Since this is … Continue