Lynn Peel, president of Beach Glass Transitions

Lynn Peel, president of Beach Glass Transitions

As the other principal partner of Maine Senior Guide, I’d like to offer Lynn Peel my congratulations on her second anniversary as the owner and president of Beach Glass Transitions.

Lynn has told me that one of the things she likes most about her job is the close connections she forms with her clients.  She says, “I come into their lives during a major life transition.  It is often an emotional time.  As a result I really get to know them and their families.  I have the privilege of hearing their life stories.” 

She brings this same interest and energy to Maine Senior Guide, and I’m fortunate to have connected with such a dynamic young businesswoman. Lynn is a Senior Advisor, so when living at home alone is no longer a safe option for an elder family member, she is there to provide education and advice on the available options.  In the company’s two years of business, Lynn has worked with more than 50 families. Most of Lynn’s clients are Boomers who contact her regarding the care of their aging parents.

Prior to starting Beach Glass Transitions, Lynn worked for more than eight years in home care agencies, Assisted Living, Alzheimer’s Care and Independent Living Communities.  She has the knowledge and insight of an insider, which is a huge benefit to us as we launch Maine Senior Guide, and it often sets Beach Glass Transitions apart from the average geriatric care manager or referral service. 

pg1Lynn has developed a new way of honoring her clients. She asks them to provide photographs and fill out a short life survey, allowing her to compose a scrapbook of the client’s life and personality.  The final product is called, “Oh, The Places You Have Been.”  It serves two purposes.  First and foremost, it is a gift thanking her clients for contracting her services.  Secondly, it acts as a social profile to provide to Home Health Aides or Senior Living Communities.  It is a wonderful way of showing a client’s personality to their new caergivers, allowing them to bond and connect in a way that would not otherwise be possible.  This connection is remarkably therapeutic for aging adults, especially if they suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s.  It may significantly improve the quality of care received, and it’s another example of Lynn’s foresight and interest.