As we enter flu season, I want to remind everybody to wash their hands! When you go out Christmas shopping, washing your hands often can keep you from bringing germs home. When your grandchildren visit, wash your hands often and have the kids wash frequently as well. Certainly when you visit someone in a rehab center or hospital, protect them (and yourself) by washing your hands with soap and water (or a hand sanitizer) when you enter the room, and after you touch anything.

My family keeps hand sanitizer in  the car, and many young moms I know keep extra baby wipes around to clean little hands and faces frequently when the kids are out in public areas. (Most baby wipes don’t have alcohol in them, though, and the alcohol is what kills germs. So baby wipes work best when baby is in the stroller, for example, and not touching lots of things.)

We just received a video on handwashing and hospital infections from the Center for Disease Control, and we put it on our profile page, at the bottom.  It promotes really aggressive hand washing in health care centers. It’s short, but worth watching!