Information You Can Use

  1. Staying Sharp: tips help preserve your memory

    Is staying sharp a casualty of aging? Many of us have had the experience of forgetting where we left our car keys or difficulty recalling someone’s phone number.  Sometimes these incidents can just be annoying, and may be … Continue

  2. Midcoast Home Modification Safety Specialist Now Available

    Congratulations to Midcoast home modification specialist Lisa Gellatly, an Occupational Therapist with CHANS Home Health Care’s Rehabilitation Program. She recently completed an Executive Certificate Program ‘In-Home Modification’ from the University of Southern California. Home modification is a process for … Continue

  3. heat stroke in seniors: serious business

    There are many ways to avoid overheating that could lead to heat illness or heat stroke. Staying hydrated, avoiding physical activity and keeping in the shade are all ways to stay healthy in the summer, but sometimes … Continue

  4. Maine Senior Health Programs in Danger

    Maine senior health programs are in danger. Jessica L. Maurer, head of the Maine Association of Area Agencies on Aging, sent a message over the weekend outlining what is happening in the budget process in Maine. Here’s how you … Continue

  5. senior artists stay active: arts and health

    Senior artists stay active. Photographer, painter, sculptor, quilter… all of these words describe people who express themselves through the visual arts. Whether one finds expression holding a paintbrush, a camera or a quilter’s needle, the key to … Continue

  6. gardening tips: 6 gardening tips for seniors

    We’d like to share some gardening tips, since spring is here and flowers are blooming, which makes it the perfect time to dig into some gardening. According to the National Gardening Association, over 78 million Americans love … Continue

  7. Kinds of Strokes: stroke anatomy

    May is Stroke Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to learn about the kinds of strokes. There are two different kinds of strokes—ischemic and hemorrhagic—and both occur when blood flow to the brain is interrupted. Ischemic … Continue