Information You Can Use

  1. Kinds of Strokes: stroke anatomy

    May is Stroke Awareness Month, so it’s a good time to learn about the kinds of strokes. There are two different kinds of strokes—ischemic and hemorrhagic—and both occur when blood flow to the brain is interrupted. Ischemic … Continue

  2. Micmac Indians in Maine: elders remember

    Rev. Catherine Sabine M. Ed, L.M., CH, Commissioned Healer and National Spiritualist Teacher from  the Micmac Indians tribe, was the featured speaker  recently at USM’s Lewiston/Auburn Senior College “Food for Thought” luncheon.  She spoke about the conflicts of being … Continue

  3. Senior Hunger: AARP Combats Elder Hunger

    Senior hunger is a serious problem. Right now, Maine ranks number one out of all the New England states in terms of food insecurity. The AARP Foundation, together with the New York City Coalition Against Hunger’s Anti-Hunger … Continue

  4. Apps for Aging: iPad Apps & Assistive Technology

    Are you looking for apps for aging? Do you use iPads in your therapy classes, or wish that you could use simple assistive technology to help a loved one? The iPad is having a profound impact on … Continue

  5. Stroke Symptoms: National Stroke Awareness Month

    May is National Stroke Awareness Month. What are stroke symptoms, and how can you get a stroke assessment? CHANS Home Health Care and Mid Coast Hospital are offering stroke risk assessments at their community-based blood pressure clinics … Continue

  6. Maine Veterans: helping older vets

    Do you work with older adults? Please consider attending the 2013 UMaine Clinical Geriatrics Colloquium on serving older veterans. If helping older vets is part of your mission, this day-long program will give you fresh ideas and … Continue

  7. Drug Take-Back: Maine locations for drug take-back

    This drug take-back program article was published in 2013. In 2020, there is a website that shows regular take-back locations in Maine. Your town might do a special take-back day, but these places are available year-round. Drug … Continue